Speaking of emails, I received an email and letter on 22/03/12 from someone in the wider college, who was also responsible for exams, which I found very disturbing and confusing, based as it was, on lies, character assassination and threats that a formal complaint could be brought against me which could result in me being thrown out of college. Who was going to bring this formal against me? That was left vague. I suppose he wants me to think it'll be Susan James. But that couldn't be the case because we didn't have an issue to solve and we hadn't sat down together to attempt to resolve it between us before taking it to that formal stage. He should know that. So he's unprofessional in suggesting this was even possible because this is a prerequisite before submitting a formal complaint. I know it and she knows it. The email was also strangely signed because there are ink dots around the signature that usually arise from a stamp. It was supposedly signed by someone fro...