
Showing posts from May, 2021

On Being an Independent Researcher Since July 2013

Just to clear up any possible confusion: I have been an Independent Researcher since July 2013, having completed my BA Philosophy degree in May (all exams done☑️; coursework (two Level 6 extended essays) and dissertation submitted 20/05/13 and handed-in☑️ together with the anti-plagiarism statement* see below) and no longer a student as of June 2013 because it was the end of my course. My college ID card and my Senate House Library card also expired in June. Therefore, I waited until July 31st (date of transcript) before becoming an Independent Researcher/Scholar. This is because you cannot be a student and an Independent Researcher and Scholar simultaneously. The word 'independent' means not studying in an institution or even being affiliated to one. It also means not using their resources which, in my case, meant BBK's library and Senate House Library. A nd certainly not being funded by them. In June 2013 BBK offered to pay the fees for my final year that the government g

Speaking as a Woke Philosopher..... (continually updated)

Woke is good. It means being aware and alert to discrimination and injustices in society and the world in general. The opposite of it is just being rude, totally insensitive to others and plain anti-social in that you lack understanding and awareness of injustice, prejudice and discrimination and dismiss it, and any suffering arising from it, as unimportant, exaggerated and see 'woke' as amounting to a left-wing crazy notion.  Universities are not left wing, as people seem to assume, not sure they ever were in any meaningful way! It's an ideological myth to think so! For instance, Kings College, (KCL) which used to be a London Uni college, was founded by a king (King George IV) for the purpose of running after liberals and secularists at London University. London Uni (founded 1826, now UCL) was supported by Utilitarians e.g. JS Mill; Jews and non-conformists with the aim of being a secular institution (which was why I went there!!). 3 years later, in 1829, up pops Kings Col