
Showing posts from August, 2022

Susan James's Podcast: Playing 'Snap' (2) (update in italics)

Following on from my chat (see previous post) about Susan James talking about herself in a recent podcast, I shall continue to play 'snap' ♥♥♠♠♦♦♣♣!  Since today is the Jewish New Year for domesticated animals I thought I'd discuss your point about you teaching Singer and animal ethics at the start of your career. This is also apt because Singer is a Jewish (atheist) philosopher who lost his Austrian Jewish grandparents in the Holocaust. His maternal grandfather was a psychologist who wrote an article together with Freud! Liking Singer's Animal-friendly Ethics for all Sentient Beings - Snap! Singer came up in my first year ethics/politics degree module and I was set an essay on him, which I wrote then submitted 2nd March 2010. In it, I support Singer's ethics and agree with his stance rather than Bernard Williams's criticisms of him. Here's some quick photos of it below: I had no idea until this podcast in 2022 that you have an interest in Singer's argum

Susan James's Podcast: Playing 'Snap' (1)

Last month (19th July) a podcast episode with Susan James came out where she talks about herself and her outlook as a person and as a philosopher in a little more depth. I listened to Susan James's excellent podcast episode about a week after it's release on the 27th July. I would have listened to it earlier if it hadn't been for some outrageous behaviour (that I'm heartily sick of by now😠) going on last month and I would have responded to her podcast episode sooner if the ridiculous nonsense hadn't caused so much unnecessary extra work to deal with it (see my LGBT+ blog where I talk about it there over several posts). But I'm kind of springing off from Susan's thought provoking answers rather than the questions she was asked. So let's play 'Snap' like the card game, and see how many times I see things the way she does! ♥♥ ♠♠ ♦♦ ♣♣ I discovered that we 'snapped' almost all the time here (and other times): I always knew instinctively we&#